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Test 111.. High

I am no photographer.. least of all a professional one. Photographer or not.. capturing my "environment" is what I love to do.. with or without that artificial capturing device - the camera.

err I owned no sophisticated fully gadgeted SLR camera.. but just recently that 111 Canon PowerShot A1000IS that I was so lucky to want and win one. It is sort of a replacement to that Nikon CoolPix I bought at RM1300 way back in the early 2000s. It went caput of one occasion that I had accidentally "tercampak" as a result of a "fast and furious" episode.. he he.

Coming back to capturing my "environment".. depending on my mood of the day.. and the nature that sets in.. I would always be on the sensitiveness of what my surrounding has to offer me.. just nice to unwind my day.

Here.. some of my "virgin shots" of that 111 Canon.. as I walked to my car last Friday.. err I was in quite "high" mood that day.

parked my care here

where the cafe is located

previous office of 12 years in view

high up

oh there's a plane
err too small?.. like the smiling moon?.. i know



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