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Solat & Hati

Surah Hud, Ayat 114:

"Dan dirikanlah sembahyang (wahai Muhammad, engkau dan umatmu), pada dua bahagian siang (pagi dan petang), dan pada waktu-waktu yang berhampiran dengannya hari waktu malam.

Sesungguhnya amal-amal kebajikan (terutama sembahyang) itu menghapuskan kejahatan. Perintah-perintah Allah yang demikian adalah menjadi peringatan bagi orang-orang yang mahu beringat."

I was in the great opportunity to be made known of the above Surah pertaining to solat while driving to work this very morning. It was over the air via Radio IKIM of the program Motivasi Pagi.
But why the sudden interest of this particular Surah?

Last night, over the chatango, a concern was voiced out by one forumer pertaining to solat. Hence, it was a great opportunity to be hearing one motivational talk that relates solat and hati.

And all the while, I was also relating that motivational talk with the chatango we had last night.

Allah is Almighty.