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Words into Action

Oh Wow!

I thought today is going to be a light and easy day at work. We are scheduled to fly to Tawau tomorrow morning.. transported by a waiting TLDM bus to Semporna.. then a trip via TLDM boat to Pulau Mabul.

Hence.. I had cleared up all my tasks till the next upcoming Meeting on 18 November. I really cleared them up! Lega!

But.. lo behold.. as I was about to sip my morning TAZO in relaxation.. I got an urgent frantic call from my superior almost yelling in my ears.. "blah blah blah.. blah blah.. 10 November.. blah blah blah.."

Oh What?

The Meeting was re-scheduled to 10 November by the instruction of "orang atas nun" and that there are 2 urgent agendas to be included - NO WAY OUT. And that 2 agendas.. we really have no control to get the pertaining materials ASAP. We would just have to wait until they (the "orang atas nun") deliver them.

9 November.

Err the thing is.. haiya! gua punya flight balik KL.. 9 November maaaaa!

Working with "orang so atas".

Anyway.. Words into Action.. mission accomplished.
Thank You Very Much to the technology.

I shall work via remote.. he he.. kot ado akses ket pulau nun!

So.. as a back up plan.. I remote to another colleague.

nak hidup beb!


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