Yesterday, as we decided to fully utilised the not so nice view of two rooms cum dumping sites at the office.. we came for a gotong-royong session. Previously, only Mr A who every now and then kept going back into one of the bigger rooms for a slow and steady but surely clearing up.
Since we are now complete in terms of manpower there should be in our Sector.. we capitilised each and everyone of us PMI (PLus Minus Interesting). One of us is an expert in Library Management and hence we agreed to convert the wasted bigger room to a Mini Library cum Meeting Room. While the smaller one is converted to a Mini Printing Room.. meant for our Sector private usage.
Wow! I really like the new look of that once a somber looking dumping site.. a Mini Printing Room now.. fully equipped with a photocopier, a computer with Internet access, a heavy-duty coloured printer, a scanner and all other necessary stuffs.
As for the Mini Library.. another 2 or 3 sessions are needed before it is really converted to what we planned of.
err Why?
Simply put.. there are still lots of "personal belongings" being located there ever since most of us moved to this office back in the early 2000s.
That personal belongings are not as in what belong to us in personal but rather those documents that we were in responsibility of. Only the person responsible can really sieve through and decide whether to discard or archive further. Then.. it took another who has to approve of what being discarded of.
err Talking of that.. later.. I went through my own personal belonging that I brought over from my previous office of 12 years. I came to this office last September 2008 and since then.. I rarely look back at my own boxes of packing. My reason being that all those are neatly packed and stacked at a corner of my own.
Hence.. I found.. among others.. these..

Some books I had but lost in time of why I ever reading them.

Endangered Minds.. Jane M. Healy, Ph. D.
"Why Children Don't Think - and What We Can Do About It"
Jane M. Healy, Ph. D. is the author of "Failure to Connect".
She has been an educational psychologist and professional educator for more than 35 years.
A Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Educator's Award Winner for "Endangered Minds".

The Mismeasure of Men.. Stephen Jay Gould
"The definitive refutation to the argument of The Bell Curve"
Stephen Jay Gould is the author of 13 other books.. international bestsellers - Ever Since Darwin, The Panda's Thumb, Bully for Brontosaurus.. to name a few.
He teaches geology, biology, and the history of Science at Harvard University.
An American Book Award for Science and of the National Book Critics Circle Awards Winner for "The Mismeasure of Man".
(Bell Curve.. oh how I really missed those work related to Bell Curve)

Global Intelligence.. Paul Todd & Jonathan Bloch
"The World's Secret Services Today"
Paul Todd is the author of "World Power and Global Reach: US Security Policy in Southeast Asia".
He is a historian of the Cold War specialising in the Middle East issues.
Jonathan Bloch co-authored "British Inteligence and Covert Action and KGB/CIA" & also 3 chapters of "Dirty Work 2: The CIA in Africa".
He was politically active in South Africa and remains involved in Southern African causes.
(Perhaps.. for the upcoming week.. in between attending the Seminar.. I should try to re-read these books.)
start writing ur own book...
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