I wore this kurung batik for the first time last 7 January 2010.
So what?
So what.. that we are to wear batik on those daily Thursdays?
err not that I dutifully abide by that directive.. not me!

err it reminded me of that "batik" ek?
ala.. batik yang perasan blog dia tu glamour famous amous tu lah!
cet! lu jangan nak perasan J O B O lah weh!

What about this batik?

err hmmmmm.. this looks like a part of human body eh?
with sagging stomach?
Anyway.. seriously.. that very same Thursday I received one SMS. It came from a number I am very familiar of. Out of the sudden.. guilt built up in me. I had not been in contact with the owner for as long as I could remember.
The sms read:
"Salam, saya IA, anak sulung kpd Allahyarhamah AK ingin menjemput Tuan/Puan sekeluarga ke Majlis Perkahwinan adik saya AAH pd 24 Januari 2010 di KGPA, BK. Diharap Tuan/Puan dapat bersama-sama memeriahkan majlis. Terima kasih."
Auto cruise.. I felt a shiver.. guilty feeling worsening.. tears rolling down in my heart.
al-fatihah.. Kak A.
semoga roh Arwah Kak A ditempatkan dalam kalangan hamba-hambaNya yang beriman.
Immediately.. I responded to the sms.. definitely.. enquiring further of the day Kak A kembali ke rahmatullah.
"Salam. Mama meninggal dunia 9 jan 2009. Sabtu ni genap setahun."
Today.. it is 9 January 2010.
Here I am.. with the batik.. I remembered it well. The batik that both Arwah Kak A and I had likened very much. I gave in to her but she insisted I should have it.
That was in 2007 and only two months ago I had it sewn as a pair of kurung for me to wear on that Thursday as per directive.
Of all the Thursdays.. I had it worn for the first time.. only on that particular day.
On that very same day.. for the first time.. only that I knew Arwah Kak A is now resting in peace after years battling with cancer of the womb.

hmmmmm.. and only just now.. as I uploaded this image.. for the first time.. that I noticed it resemblance a part of the human body.
a sagging womb?
When we were at that Kota Baru venue.. Arwah Kak A and I were actually attending a compulsory course for our promotional. That was also the first time we met and got acquainted. We never knew each other prior to that.
Then.. Arwah Kak A was suddenly very sick and I voluntered to stay with her in her room. Arwah Kak A managed to complete the course in spite of her very fragile state of health.
terngiang ngiang di telinga.. kata-kata Arwah Kak A..
"nanti tiap kali "LD" pakai batik ni.. ingat kat Kak ya.. doa-doakan Akak ya?"
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