Finally.. but after almost finalising our this and that.. here and there at Alamanda Putrajaya the whole afternoon today.. I suddenly remember something.
Y E S = Year End Sale ?
Y E S = ya.. as in bahasa Melayu
oh YES! I sure got it.. here at.. 


You better be ready RR.. because I am going to read it soon!

oh.. Ryan & Raihana?
Kisah Cinta Dua Dunia?
What so great about this RM20.00 novel that I am having it in my blog?
Oh why am I reading this novel?
why.. oh why?
Tell me why?

in the family reading queue.. as usual
(anak saya tanya.. kenapa mak beli novel ni?)
Well.. it all began with an online forum that I stumbled upon last June 2009.. of which I then became very active. Earlier on.. there is none of those forumers there that I knew of.. in real life.
Later.. one by one I came into contact with the forumer in person. We met up and then became very much in touch with each other.
Diamond Heart is among the first few forumers that I met.. together with Koklin, Seo and Patin. Seri Dewi Malam and Thanghathirai were the first two forumers I had met before the others.
My first met with Dimaond Heart was at a gathering at Koklin's home where we call it "Wild Party".. err having fun getting ourselves skillful with the Mary Kay make up consultant.
One day.. at the forum.. Diamond Heart aka Hati Berlian aka BMWX5 and so many other nicks.. the nicks we used to chameleon just for the fun of it.. suddenly drop the bomb shell.. she is writing a novel!
Oh.. I love writing and those who.. their work went into publishing.. wow! I salute you beb! Err I am always envious of writers who made it to the publishing house.
Tribute to you DH.. err Razzlina Rahman!
May you be blessed with all the ilham from Allah Almighty.. and keep on writing and writing and the next one in our waiting.
err I was actually thinking of writing the Award Day Outing with my children.. before hitting the highway - On the Bike.. On the Ride.. to Johor International Bike Meet.. but this deserve first writing.
waaaaaa mak jeles nyah!!!!!!!....
takpo... besan aku kayosss...!!!
naikkan hantarannnn!!!....
he he he
err am i the 1st DCCKian to get hold of the copy?
cumanya.. td.. bateri kamera.. bateri fon.. semua fon out!
saya plan nk tangkap gambo novel tu kt rak buku MPH tu tadi.
err.. saja suka2 je.. ala mcm dpt 1st child lah.. excited semacam.
apa.. tak de anak?
ala.. mcm dpt 1st bf/gf le!
Nice.. what is the name of the club? I also loved writing. still do but hardly write any pieces nowadays. I once wrote an action novel with bits of romance & humor back then when I was 17. I uploaded it on 50 pages only but too bad I never had it finished.
Goin to be 24 next year, huh... It seems like I have wasted lotsa time since my last real piece...:(
New year resolution: jadi rajin, baik & berjaya ;)
OMG! sorry the name of the website above is wrong... I forgot the actual name. So don't click on the link, it's bad...;)
he he
last monday.. i read about this one article pertaining short story writing via the web.. it was in the malaymail.
tonight.. was looking for that article to get the address.. warghhhhh.. dah tarak le!
nulis lg lah zu.
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