that pelantar (jetty) where a child was running.. dats where i used to sit with frens waktu malam. With a guitar, we sang any kind of songs. Waktu arwah masih hidup, my father bought a hse kat pulau batam. During school holidays suka gi sana. Then from the pelantar, we can see kota singa bermandikan cahaya... di batam pula we can see lots of bintang bertaburan. cantik sekali.. oohh.. how i really miss those days..
but i like...!!! Its a REAL kampung atmosphere!!
Kat sabah kan? ooh.. miss pulau2 soo much!!
younger days was a tremendous adventurous experienced!
Now? kerja kerja kerja... :(
(i dun.. hubby jer..)
- miho
that pelantar (jetty) where a child was running.. dats where i used to sit with frens waktu malam. With a guitar, we sang any kind of songs.
Waktu arwah masih hidup, my father bought a hse kat pulau batam. During school holidays suka gi sana. Then from the pelantar, we can see kota singa bermandikan cahaya... di batam pula we can see lots of bintang bertaburan. cantik sekali..
oohh.. how i really miss those days..
thanks kak DS for tempelkan gambar2 ni. - miho :)
he he
malam tu..
some of played board game.
some just sat around - feet dangling and reading.
some watched the beautiful sea life photos shown by one of the foreign professional under water trainer.
but most of us.. dok diskusi ttg perancangan dan tindakan selanjutnya utk misi "Reaching the Outreach" kami.
cool.. job eh??
- miho
psst.. still can't figured out how to write my own name rather than anonymous.. :(
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