"Maklang, blog Lemon Dusk tu dah tak de ke?"
out of a sudden I was asked by my nephew.

We were just relaxing after the iftar together with my elder sister's family.
Almost everybody of my sister's 9 children were there, including those married - their spouses and children.. except for Nana who is now studying in Terengganu and Ayu who attended iftar with her friend.

err I answered my nephew almost immediate by briefly explaining what had happened to Lemon Dusk.
Well, I found myself listening with great interest my very own conversation between my nephew and me about this very simple approach blogging of mine - Lemon Dusk. Anyway, there are 3 other blogs that from time to time I wrote in but Lemon Dusk was abandoned quite abruptly few months back.

hmmmmm.. why not eh?
Lemon Dusk.. is now reactivated.